

Google Doodle Celebrates Celebrates 410th birthday of Pierre de Fermat

The Google Doodle today celebrates the 410th birthday of Pierre de Fermat.

The proof the French mathematician and lawyer was referring to was for his theorem in which he states that no three positive integers x, y, and z can satisfy the equation xn + yn = zn where n is an integer greater than two.

Fermat’s Last Theorem, also called Fermat’s great theorem, was his best known work and to commemorate the 410th birth anniversary of the founder of the modern theory of numbers Google has put up a doodle inspired by the theorem. Instead of a copy of the Arithmetica, the Google doodle uses a blackboard with a faintly erased Google logo and the theorem written in chalk.

While Fermat will always be most well-known for that theorem, his work extends far beyond it. Isaac Newton referred to Fermat’s work when discussing his early ideas on calculus, he invented analytic gemometry, worked on light refraction and optics, he researched the weight of the earth, and through correspondance with Pascal, had a direct impact on the theory of probability.
